Redefining. Recovery.
Many people have some experience with physical therapy, primarily as a form of rehabilitation after an accident or sports injury. But what most people do not know is that physical therapy can be an effective and permanent way of treating pains and discomfort that arise from daily living.

With ART, we use our hands to find these problems and release the tension/scarring to bring blood flow to the area to heal the structure and allow for proper motion, strength and function.
​ART allows us to manually release the nerves that are entrapping the blood flow to the muscles which directly causes the pain.

Fascial Counterstrain is a gentle, soft tissue manipulation technique which is highly effective in treating pain and limitations in both strength and range of motion.
Facial Counterstrain removes painful, reflexive tissue contractions from the body via a gentle hands-on process that involves slackening or decompression of the involved structures.

The Functional Movement Screen is essentially a preventative method used to screen for any potential problems that may cause future injury.
FMS identifies physical imbalances and weakness through a simple ranking and grading system that assesses movement patterns crucial to normal function.

The SFMA pulls out these subconscious dysfunctional and/or asymmetrical movements to get to the root of the problem. Efficiency in movement is the key to accomplishing your goals.
The essence of the SFMA is that the site of your pain may not be the source or cause of your pain.

Functional Range Conditioning (FRC®) utilizes the latest advancements in scientific knowledge, combined with tried and tested training methods to increase one’s active, usable ranges of motion.
FRC® works by systematically expanding the body’s ranges of motion while simultaneously teaching the nervous system how to control the newly acquired ranges. Passive flexibility is trained so that it converts into usable, functional mobility.

The fascia is a thin tough network of connective tissue that encases the muscles and internal organs throughout your body. Healthy fascia is slippery, smooth and flexible, but under certain conditions, hyaluronan can dry up, and fascia can thicken.
​Fascia manipulation therapy helps to free up fascia tissue and restore its capacity for pain-free gliding among the body’s structures and organs.

When children and teens have injuries or motor impairments, it can profoundly affect their quality of life. Not being able to participate in sports, or having a movement disorder that sets them apart from their peers, has far-reaching physical, emotional and psychosocial repercussions. ​
Our children deserve the very best therapeutic care, so they can attain their developmental potential and enjoy the benefits of healthy functional movement.

The structures of your body are interdependent, and deficits in one area can impact the alignment of your entire kinetic chain. Beginning from the soles of your feet upward, good posture relies on optimal alignment of every joint.
At recorve, we use advanced technology to scan and assess your postural alignment from head to toe.

Neuromuscular therapy is designed to restore optimal communication pathways between the brain and muscles by eliminating impediments to pain-free functional movement. When combined with physical therapy, regenerative therapies and fascial manipulation can help eradicate factors that disrupt neuromuscular pathways.

The structures of your body are interdependent, and deficits in one area can impact the alignment of your entire kinetic chain. Beginning from the soles of your feet upward, good posture relies on optimal alignment of every joint.
At recorve, we use advanced technology to scan and assess your postural alignment from head to toe.